Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Shio Koji

Now that my fourth koji is made, I decided to make Shio Koji . Shio koji is a type of seasoning that suddenly became very popular in Japan. Fermented koji and salt used in order to give flavour to pretty much anything. An article about shio koji by Los Angeles Times will give you some idea about the craze.

Koji has an ability to change protein into umami, so apparently you can work wonders by using shio koji rather than just salt with meat.

The recipe? If you are talking about fresh koji, instead of dried ones, it's as follows.

koji: salt: water=3:1:3

Put all the ingredients into a sterlised jar or tupperwear.
Water should just cover the salt and koji. If it does not, just add a little until it does. Then you leave the container in room temperature. In winter, it should take about two weeks until it gets ready. It changes the colour to slightly more amber like. When it fermented enough, it's ready to be used.

Will keep you updated!

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